
This help article describes the menu item Properties.

Table of Contents


1Bill of Materials (BOM) tab
6Project Data tab
2Export BOM Data button7CSV export button
3Recompute button8JSON export button
4Quote button9Recompute button
5BOM summary and details10Project data details

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  1. Go to left menu item Properties
  2. Choose between BOM and Project Data tab
  3. In the BOM tab, review the summary and details. To download the information as CVS, press the green Export BOM Data button. To recompute, press the Recompute button. To request a Voyager quote from FTC Solar for your layout, click the Quote button.
  4. In the Project Data tab, review the project data details. To download the information as CVS or JSON, press the respective button. To recompute, press the Recompute button.

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